Nielsen Works
Explore Carl Nielsen’s extraordinary oeuvre: Here you will find everything from Jens Vejmand (John the Roadman) to Symphony no. 3, Sinfonia espansiva, including any available scores and a number of recordings.
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Songs with piano
CNW395Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano1926Close
CNW396Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
Nigh to Noël, how very sad
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CNW399Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
In shadows so bracing
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CNW401Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
An old smallholder at his ground
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CNW402Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
You and I, everyone must qualify
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CNW403Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
I drive along in a splendent spell
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CNW404Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
Dannebrog, flag in flutter
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CNW407Vocal MusicSongs with pianoVoice and piano
Now, did the rake get its latter prong